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Kathryn Omeg is a cast member from Road Rules: Maximum Velocity Tour.


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Maximum Velocity Tour[]

A 21-year-old Caucasian female from Oregon. Kathryn is about to graduate Cornell University and enter the corporate business world. Now her plans are on hold as she begins an adventurous journey on the road. Will she let go of the corporate blue suit and let loose? She loves to party and have a good time. She grew up on a cherry farm with parents who are still married. Kathryn must be in control at all times. When out of control, she becomes angry and anxious. Kathryn loves to meet men and date. She recently began seeing a guy named Reed. He is very different from guys she's dated in the past. According to Kathryn "he doesn't need a lot of fixing," though she says she likes the drama and sense of satisfaction from knowing she fixed a man.
