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Abraham "Abe" Ingersoll is a cast member from Road Rules: Latin America.


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Latin America[]

Growing up in Peoria, Illinois with his mother and her lesbian lover, Abe has developed a personality as intriguing as it is intricate. Blazing a unique trail for himself, he has found both trouble and a future for himself in the world of computers. This intelligent 18-year-old computer whiz is living by his own set of rules and figuring out who he is along the way-- from punk hacker to successful systems analyst and beyond.

Latin America[]

Mission History[]

# Mission Result
1 Get the Key from the Beast Completed
2 Race Against the Rarámuri Completed
3 Make Your Own Spaghetti Western Completed
4 Screen Your Spaghetti Western Completed
5 Bullfighting Completed
6 Watercraft Competition Completed
7 Deep Sea Fishing Completed
8 Write a Song and Perform with Molotov Completed
9 Turn Trash Into Art Completed
10 Spider Wrangling Completed
11 Swing Criollo Dancing Completed
12 Sandcastle Building/Sea Kayaking Completed
13 Recover Handsome Reward Completed